We offer guided school tours and educational programmes

guided tours of the collection – for primary and secondary schools, for universities, focusing on specific areas of interest based on teachers´ requirements, available in May, June and September
– we offer professional development for teachers – the seminar called Wetland Plants, which is organized in association with  CCALA, gallery from 2017 can be found here
lectures on practical skills from general and systematic botany for secondary schools and universities
trainings for secondary school students and university students – one- or two-week-trainings focused on working and taking care of the species in the garden – since 2020 enhanced by project IBOAT
we offer plants to be used in your classes
Open Days – last Open Days were on 23th through 25th of May 2019. The gallery is here.

In case you are interested in any of the above-mentioned offer, please contact the collection manager via email or phone: bz.trebon@ibot.cas.cz, +420384721156.

Where you find us:
The collection is located in the area of the Institute of Botany of the CAS, v.v.i., the department in Třeboň. It can be reached from the street K Bertě (opposite the Design Hotel Romantick). The collection is easily accessible by public transport just 5 minutes from the train station Třeboň-Lázně and 12 minutes from the bus station. The public parking is circa 50 metres. GPS coordinates: N49°00′ 20″,  E14°46′ 25″, altitude 430 m.