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we are situated in country of writer K. H. Mácha

Author: Tomáš Hájek

e-mail: drchlava (at) volny.cz

Last modified: 1 Nov 2003


Drchlava is a small village in the south part of region Česká Lípa, 50 km nothward from Prague. There is not a shop nor an administration. What you can find there are a derelict church, beautiful old buildings and miscellaneous landscape of Kokořín protected area.

Drchlava was first time mentioned in 1265, it was under the rule of king Přemysl Otakar II and under the domain of Načepluk from Drchlava. People of German origin came to this region after The Thirty Years war hence Drchlava's today's resemblance is given by Sudeten German. Architecture of 19. century dominates to this small village with brick empire style buildings and with more modest timbered cottages which have mainly a recreational function today.

Postwar history of Drchlava is not very gratifying as well as the whole Sudet's country-side. Newcomers didn't have relation to their properties and landscape which resulted in decay (eg. St. Nicholas church). Nevertheless weekends' cottagers have taken care of their property so it could be said they had been the rescuers of Drchlava. Nowdays people are coming there for recreation and Drchlava residents commute to the distant towns.

Vítejte v Drchlavě

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