Tso Moriri

Tso Moriri lake is located in E Ladakh in region called Changthang, or Little Tibet. All this vast area traditionally serves for nomadic herdsmen of sheep and famous pashmina goats. The water level in the lake is about 4500 m (14760 feet), surrounding peaks reach up to 6700 m (21976 feet). From geomorphological point of view this region belongs to the Tibetan Plateau and makes its westernmost spur. The relief is typically gentle and forms a high-altitude plateau somewhere between 5600-6000 m. Due to very dry climate the whole region is practically unglaciated up to about 6000 m and thanks to gentle slopes there are quite well-developed soils up to here. This provides suitable microhabitats for vascular plants at extreme altitudes. Plants can be found as high as 6050 m here.   

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