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9. "Dactylis glomerata" type

Long-lived below-ground plagiotropic stems formed below-ground (= hypogeotropic rhizomes sensu Serebrjakov and Serebrjakova 1965). Stems < 10 cm in length. The stem usually grows horizontally at a species-specific depth. After some time the stem becomes orthotropic and forms above-ground shoots. The plagiotropic part of the stem bears bracts, a few roots at nodes and has long internodes. Branching is usually sympodial. Life-span of the rhizomes is about 2 to 9 years. Vegetative spreading can be fast and cover several metres per year. Disintegration starts from oldest part of the below-ground stem.

[other examples: Anthoxanthum odoratum, Carex atrata, Juncus trifidus, Molinia caerulea]
