Flora of Ladakh (NW Himalaya) - v. 0.2
The checklist is alphabetically arranged according to families and includes only species confirmed in the study area.
family |
Taxon |
author |
infra |
subauthor |
Alismataceae |
Alisma plantago-aquatica |
L. |
Alliaceae |
Allium carolinianum |
DC. in Redouté |
Alliaceae |
Allium cepa |
L. |
Alliaceae |
Allium fedtschenkoanum |
Regel |
Alliaceae |
Allium fistulosum |
L. |
Alliaceae |
Allium jacquemontii |
Kunth |
Alliaceae |
Allium oreoprasum |
Schrenk |
Alliaceae |
Allium platyspathum |
Schrenk |
Alliaceae |
Allium przewalskianum |
Regel |
Alliaceae |
Allium sativum |
L. |
Alliaceae |
Allium schoenoprasum |
L. |
Alliaceae |
Allium stoliczkae |
Regel |
Alliaceae |
Allium tuberosum |
Röttler ex Spreng. in L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus caudatus |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus cruentus |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus graecizans |
L. |
subsp. sylvestris |
(Vill.) Brenan |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus hybridus |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus powellii |
S. Watson |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus retroflexus |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus viridis |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Atriplex hortensis |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Atriplex pamirica |
Iljin |
Amaranthaceae |
Atriplex schugnanica |
Iljin |
Amaranthaceae |
Atriplex tatarica |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Axyris hybrida |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Axyris prostrata |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Bassia dasyphylla |
(Fisch.& C.A. Mey.) Kuntze |
Amaranthaceae |
Beta vulgaris |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium album |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium botrys |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium ficifolium |
Sm. |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium foliosum |
(Moench) Ascherson |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium glaucum |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium himalaicum |
ined. |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium karoi |
Aellen |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium litwinowii |
(Paulsen) Uotila |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium nepalense |
Colla |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium novopokrovskyanum |
(Aellen) P. Uotila |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium opulifolium |
Schrad. ex G. C. T. Koch & Ziz |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium pamiricum |
Iljin |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium strictum |
Roth |
Amaranthaceae |
Chenopodium tibeticum |
A. J. Li |
Amaranthaceae |
Corispermum ladakhianum |
C.Grey-Wilson & B.M.Wadhwa |
Amaranthaceae |
Corispermum pamiricum |
Iljin |
Amaranthaceae |
Corispermum tibeticum |
Iljin |
Amaranthaceae |
Halogeton glomeratus |
(M. Bieb.) C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
Amaranthaceae |
Halogeton tibeticus |
Bunge |
Amaranthaceae |
Haloxylon thomsonii |
Bunge ex Boiss. |
Amaranthaceae |
Kochia prostrata |
(L.) Schrad. |
Amaranthaceae |
Kochia scoparia |
(L.) Schrad. |
Amaranthaceae |
Kochia stellaris |
Moq. |
Amaranthaceae |
Krascheninnikovia ceratoides |
(L.) Gueldenst. |
Amaranthaceae |
Krascheninnikovia pungens |
(Pazij) Podlech |
Amaranthaceae |
Microgynoecium tibeticum |
Hook. f. |
Amaranthaceae |
Salsola jacquemontii |
Moq. |
Amaranthaceae |
Salsola tragus |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Spinacia oleracea |
L. |
Amaranthaceae |
Suaeda olufsenii |
Paulsen |
Apocynaceae |
Apocynum venetum |
L. |
Apocynaceae |
Cynanchum acutum |
L. |
Apocynaceae |
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria |
Medik. |
Araceae |
Lemna minor |
L. |
Asphodelaceae |
Eremurus himalaicus |
Baker |
Aspleniaceae |
Asplenium ruta-muraria |
L. |
Aspleniaceae |
Asplenium septentrionale |
(L.) Hoffm. |
Aspleniaceae |
Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum |
L. |
Athyriaceae |
Athyrium attenuatum |
(C.B. Clarke) Tag. |
Athyriaceae |
Athyrium distans |
Moore |
Athyriaceae |
Athyrium wallichianum |
Ching |
Athyriaceae |
Deparia acuta |
(Ching) Fraser-Jenk. |
Athyriaceae |
Deparia allantodioides |
(Bedd.) Kato |
Balsaminaceae |
Impatiens balsamina |
L. |
Balsaminaceae |
Impatiens brachycentra |
Kar. & Kir. |
Balsaminaceae |
Impatiens thomsonii |
Hook. f. |
Berberidaceae |
Berberis orthobotrys |
Bienert ex Aitch. |
Berberidaceae |
Berberis parkeriana |
Schneid. |
Berberidaceae |
Berberis ulicina |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Berberidaceae |
Podophyllum hexandrum |
DC. |
Betulaceae |
Betula jacquemontii |
Spach |
Biebersteiniaceae |
Biebersteinia odora |
Steph. ex Fischer |
Boraginaceae |
Actinocarya acaulis |
(W.W. Smith) I.M. Johnst. |
Boraginaceae |
Actinocarya tibetica |
Benth. |
Boraginaceae |
Anchusa arvensis |
(L.) M. Bieb. |
subsp. orientalis |
(L.) Nordh. |
Boraginaceae |
Arnebia euchroma |
(Royle) I.M. Johnst. |
Boraginaceae |
Arnebia guttata |
Bunge |
Boraginaceae |
Asperugo procumbens |
L. |
Boraginaceae |
Cynoglossum glochidiatum |
Wall. ex Benth. in Royle |
Boraginaceae |
Cynoglossum lanceolatum |
Forssk. |
Boraginaceae |
Cynoglossum nervosum |
Benth. ex Hook. f. |
Boraginaceae |
Echium plantagineum |
L. |
Boraginaceae |
Eritrichium canum |
(Benth. ) Kitam. |
Boraginaceae |
Eritrichium fruticulosum |
Klotzsch |
Boraginaceae |
Eritrichium hemisphaericum |
W.T. Wang |
Boraginaceae |
Eritrichium patens |
Decne. in Jacquem. |
Boraginaceae |
Eritrichium spathulatum |
(Benth. in Royle) C.B. Clarke |
Boraginaceae |
Eritrichium thymifolium |
(DC.) Y.S.Lian & J.Q.Wang |
Boraginaceae |
Eritrichium villosum |
(Ledeb.) Bunge |
Boraginaceae |
Lappula consanguinea |
(Fisch.& C.A. Mey.) Gürke in Engler & Prantl |
Boraginaceae |
Lappula patula |
(Lehm.) Ascherson ex Gürke in Engler & Prantl |
Boraginaceae |
Lappula tadshikorum |
Popov |
Boraginaceae |
Lasiocaryum densiflorum |
(Duthie) I. M. Johnst. |
Boraginaceae |
Lindelofia anchusoides |
(Lindl.) Lehm. |
Boraginaceae |
Lindelofia longiflora |
(Benth.) Baill. |
Boraginaceae |
Lindelofia stylosa |
(Kar. & Kir.) Brand |
Boraginaceae |
Lithospermum tenuiflorum |
L. f. |
Boraginaceae |
Mattiastrum himalayense |
(Klotzsch) Brand |
Boraginaceae |
Microparacaryum intermedium |
(Fresen.) Hilger & Podlech |
Boraginaceae |
Microula sikkimensis |
(C.B. Clarke) Hemsley |
Boraginaceae |
Microula tibetica |
Benth. in Benth. & Hook. f. |
Boraginaceae |
Myosotis asiatica |
(Vestergren) Schischk. & Sergienko |
Boraginaceae |
Onosma hispidum |
Wall. ex G. Don |
Boraginaceae |
Pseudomertensia echioides |
(Benth.) Riedl |
Boraginaceae |
Rochelia disperma |
(L. f.) C. Koch |
Boraginaceae |
Rochelia leiocarpa |
Ledeb. |
Boraginaceae |
Rochelia peduncularis |
Boiss. |
Boraginaceae |
Rochelia pygmaea |
Rech.f. & Riedl |
Boraginaceae |
Solenanthus circinnatus |
Ledeb. |
Boraginaceae |
Trigonotis rotundifolia |
(Wall. ex Benth.) Benth. ex C.B. Clarke |
Boraginaceae |
Trigonotis tibetica |
(C.B. Clarke) I. M. Johnst. |
Campanulaceae |
Campanula alsinoides |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Campanulaceae |
Campanula aristata |
Wall. in Roxb. |
Campanulaceae |
Campanula cashmeriana |
Royle |
Campanulaceae |
Campanula pallida |
Wall. |
var. tibetica |
(Hook.f. & Thoms.) Hara |
Campanulaceae |
Codonopsis clematidea |
(Schrenk) C.B. Clarke |
Cannabaceae |
Humulus lupulus |
L. |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera asperifolia |
(Decne.) Hook. f. & Thomson |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera caerulea |
L. |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera heterophylla |
Decne. in Jacquem. |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera microphylla |
Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera obovata |
Royle ex Hook. f. & Thoms. |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera semenovii |
Regel |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera spinosa |
(Decne.) Walp. |
Caprifoliaceae |
Sambucus wightiana |
Wall. ex Wight & Arn. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Arenaria bryophylla |
Fernald |
Caryophyllaceae |
Arenaria griffithii |
Boiss. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Arenaria neelgherrensis |
Wight & Arnott |
Caryophyllaceae |
Arenaria saginoides |
Maxim. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Arenaria serpyllifolia |
L. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Arenaria stracheyi |
Edgew. in Hook. f. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Cerastium cerastioides |
(L.) Britton |
Caryophyllaceae |
Cerastium holosteoides |
Fr. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Cerastium pusillum |
Ser. in DC. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Dianthus chinensis |
L. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Dianthus harrissii |
Rech. f. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Gypsophila sedifolia |
Kurz. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Lepyrodiclis holosteoides |
(C.A. Mey.) Fenzl ex Fisch.& C.A. Mey. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Minuartia biflora |
(L.) Schinz & Thell. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Minuartia kashmirica |
(Edgew.) Mattf. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Sagina saginoides |
(L.) Karsten |
Caryophyllaceae |
Saponaria officinalis |
L. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene bungei |
Bocquet & Baehni |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene caespitella |
F.N.Williams |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene conoidea |
L. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene gonosperma |
(Rupr.) Bocq. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene graminifolia |
Otth |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene himalayensis |
(Edgew.) Majumdar |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene moorcroftiana |
Wall. ex Benth. in Royle |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene nepalensis |
Majumdar |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene rechingeri |
Bocq. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene vulgaris |
(Moench) Garcke |
Caryophyllaceae |
Spergularia rubra |
(L.) J. & C. Presl |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria brachypetala |
Bunge |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria decumbens |
Edgew. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria depressa |
Em. Schmid |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria irrigua |
Bunge |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria media |
(L.) Vill. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria monosperma |
Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria pseudoalsine |
Lazkov & Klime |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria schistosa |
Lazkov & Klime |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria soongorica |
Roshev. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria tibetica |
Kurz. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Thylacospermum caespitosum |
(Camb.) Schischk. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Vaccaria hispanica |
(Mill.) Rauschert |
Cheilanthaceae |
Cheilanthes grisea |
Blanf. |
Cheilanthaceae |
Cheilanthes leptolepis |
Fras.-Jenk. |
Compositae |
Achillea millefolium |
L. |
Compositae |
Anaphalis cuneifolia |
Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Anaphalis nepalensis |
(Spreng.) Hand.-Mazz. |
Compositae |
Anaphalis nubigena |
Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Anaphalis virgata |
Thomson ex C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Anthemis cotula |
L. |
Compositae |
Arctium lappa |
L. |
Compositae |
Artemisia brevifolia |
Wall. ex DC. |
Compositae |
Artemisia compacta |
Fisch. ex DC. |
Compositae |
Artemisia demissa |
Krasch. |
Compositae |
Artemisia desertorum |
Spreng. |
Compositae |
Artemisia dracunculus |
L. |
Compositae |
Artemisia fragrans |
Willd. |
Compositae |
Artemisia glanduligera |
Krasch. ex Poljakov |
Compositae |
Artemisia hedinii |
Ostenf. in Hedin |
Compositae |
Artemisia japonica |
Thunb. |
Compositae |
Artemisia macrocephala |
Jacquem. ex Besser |
Compositae |
Artemisia minor |
Jacquem. ex Besser |
Compositae |
Artemisia moorcroftiana |
Wall. ex DC. |
Compositae |
Artemisia persica |
Boiss. |
Compositae |
Artemisia salsoloides |
Willd. |
Compositae |
Artemisia santolinifolia |
Turcz. ex Krasch. in Krylov |
Compositae |
Artemisia scoparia |
Waldst. & Kit. |
Compositae |
Artemisia siversiana |
Ehrh. ex Willd. |
Compositae |
Artemisia stracheyi |
Hook. f. & Thomson ex C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Artemisia tournefortiana |
Rchb. |
Compositae |
Aster falconeri |
(C.B. Clarke) Hutchinson |
Compositae |
Aster flaccidus |
Bunge |
subsp. flaccidus |
Compositae |
Aster flaccidus |
Bunge |
subsp. glandulosus |
(Keissl.) Onno |
Compositae |
Aster molliusculus |
(DC.) C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Aster novi-belgii |
L. |
Compositae |
Bidens biternata |
(Loureiro) Merrill & Sherff |
Compositae |
Bidens cernua |
L. |
Compositae |
Brachyactis pubescens |
(DC.) Aitch. in C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Brachyactis roylei |
(DC.) Wendelbo |
Compositae |
Calendula officinalis |
L. |
Compositae |
Callistephus chinensis |
Nees |
Compositae |
Carduus edelbergii |
Rech. f. |
Compositae |
Carthamus tinctorius |
L. |
Compositae |
Centaurea cyanus |
L. |
Compositae |
Centaurea dealbata |
Willd. |
Compositae |
Centaurea depressa |
M. Bieb. |
Compositae |
Chondrilla graminea |
M. Bieb. |
Compositae |
Chrysanthemum coronarium |
L. |
Compositae |
Chrysanthemum indicum |
L. |
Compositae |
Cichorium calvum |
Sch.-Bip. |
Compositae |
Cichorium intybus |
L. |
Compositae |
Cirsium arvense |
(L.) Scop. |
Compositae |
Conyza canadensis |
(L.) Cronquist |
Compositae |
Coreopsis tinctoria |
Nutt. |
Compositae |
Cosmos bipinnatus |
Cav. |
Compositae |
Cousinia thomsonii |
C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Cremanthodium decaisnei |
C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Cremanthodium ellisii |
(Hook. f.) S. Seybold & U. Kull |
Compositae |
Cremanthodium nanum |
(Decne.) W. W. Sm. |
Compositae |
Crepis flexuosa |
(DC.) Benth. & Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Crepis minuta |
Kitamura |
Compositae |
Crepis multicaulis |
Ledeb. |
Compositae |
Crepis naniforma |
Babcock |
Compositae |
Crepis sancta |
(L.) Babc. |
Compositae |
Crepis zanskarensis |
ined. |
Compositae |
Dahlia pinnata |
Cav. |
Compositae |
Dolomiaea macrocephala |
DC. |
Compositae |
Echinops cornigerus |
DC. |
Compositae |
Erigeron acris |
L. |
Compositae |
Erigeron arctophillus |
Rech. f. |
Compositae |
Erigeron bellidioides |
(D. Don) Benth. & Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Erigeron multicaulis |
Wall. ex DC. |
Compositae |
Erigeron patentisquama |
Jeffrey |
Compositae |
Erigeron petroiketes |
Rech. f. |
Compositae |
Erigeron phaeocephalus |
Compositae |
Erigeron uniflorus |
L. |
Compositae |
Filago paradoxa |
Wagenitz |
Compositae |
Galinsoga parviflora |
Cav. |
Compositae |
Gnaphalium stewartii |
C.B. Clarke in Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Gnaphalium thomsonii |
Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Helianthus annuus |
L. |
Compositae |
Helianthus tuberosus |
L. |
Compositae |
Heteropappus altaicus |
(Willd.) Novopokr. |
Compositae |
Heteropappus semiprostratus |
Grierson |
Compositae |
Hieracium robustum |
Fries |
Compositae |
Hieracium umbellatum |
L. |
Compositae |
Hieracium virosum |
Pall. |
Compositae |
Hieracium vulgatum |
Fries |
Compositae |
Inula grandiflora |
Willld. |
Compositae |
Inula koelzii |
R.Dawar & M.Qaiser |
Compositae |
Inula obtusifolia |
A. Kern. |
Compositae |
Inula rhizocephala |
Schrenk |
Compositae |
Koelpinia linearis |
Pall. |
Compositae |
Lactuca altaica |
Fisch. & Mey. |
Compositae |
Lactuca dissecta |
D. Don |
Compositae |
Lactuca dolichophylla |
Kitam. |
Compositae |
Lactuca lessertiana |
(DC.) C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Lactuca macrorhiza |
Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Lactuca orientalis |
(Boiss.) Boiss. |
Compositae |
Lactuca rapunculoides |
(DC.) C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Lactuca sativa |
L. |
Compositae |
Lactuca tatarica |
(L.) C.A. Mey. |
Compositae |
Lactuca undulata |
Ledeb. |
Compositae |
Leontopodium leontopodinum |
(DC.) Hand.-Mazz. |
Compositae |
Leontopodium monocephalum |
Edgew. |
Compositae |
Leontopodium nanum |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Hand.-Mazz. |
Compositae |
Leontopodium ochroleucum |
Beauv. |
Compositae |
Leontopodium pusillum |
(Beauv.) Hand.-Mazz. |
Compositae |
Leontopodium souliei |
Beauverd |
Compositae |
Lipschitziella ceratocarpa |
(Decne.) Kamelin |
var. depressa |
(C. B. Clarke ex Hook. f.) Lipsch. |
Compositae |
Lipschitziella ceratocarpa |
(Decne.) Kamelin |
Compositae |
Matricaria discoidea |
DC. |
Compositae |
Olgaea thomsonii |
(Hook. f.) Iljin |
Compositae |
Picris nuristanica |
Bornm. |
Compositae |
Psychrogeton andryaloides |
(DC.) Novopokr. ex Krasch. |
Compositae |
Psychrogeton denudatus |
Compositae |
Psychrogeton denudatus |
Compositae |
Rudbeckia hirta |
L. |
Compositae |
Rudbeckia laciniata |
L. |
Compositae |
Saussurea albescens |
(DC.) Schulz-Bip. |
Compositae |
Saussurea andryaloides |
(DC.) Schulz-Bip. |
Compositae |
Saussurea atkinsonii |
C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Saussurea bracteata |
Decne. in Jacquem. |
Compositae |
Saussurea candolleana |
( Wall. ex DC.) C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Saussurea depsangensis |
Pamp. |
Compositae |
Saussurea elliptica |
C.B. Clarke ex Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Saussurea falconeri |
Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Saussurea glacialis |
Herder |
Compositae |
Saussurea glanduligera |
Schulz-Bip. in Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Saussurea gnaphalodes |
(Royle) Schulz-Bip. |
Compositae |
Saussurea gossypiflora |
D. Don |
Compositae |
Saussurea graminea |
Dunn |
Compositae |
Saussurea hypsipeta |
Diels |
Compositae |
Saussurea jacea |
(Klotzsch) C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Saussurea leontodontoides |
(DC.) Schulz-Bip. |
Compositae |
Saussurea medusa |
Maxim. |
Compositae |
Saussurea schultzii |
Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Saussurea stoliczkae |
C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Scorzonera virgata |
DC. |
Compositae |
Senecio dubitabilis |
C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen |
Compositae |
Senecio korshinskyi |
Krasch. |
Compositae |
Senecio krascheninnikovii |
Schischk. |
Compositae |
Senecio tibeticus |
Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Solidago canadensis |
L. |
Compositae |
Solidago virgaurea |
L. |
Compositae |
Sonchus asper |
(L.) Hill |
Compositae |
Sonchus oleraceus |
L. |
Compositae |
Sonchus wightianus |
DC. |
Compositae |
Soroseris deasyi |
(Decne.) Stebbins |
Compositae |
Tagetes erecta |
L. |
Compositae |
Tagetes patula |
L. |
Compositae |
Tanacetum artemisioides |
Schultz-Bip. ex Hook. f. |
Compositae |
Tanacetum djilgense |
Franch. |
Compositae |
Tanacetum dolichophyllum |
(Kitam.) Kitam. |
Compositae |
Tanacetum fruticulosum |
Ledeb. |
Compositae |
Tanacetum griffithii |
(C.B. Clarke) Muradyan |
Compositae |
Tanacetum pyrethroides |
(Kar. & Kir.) Schulz-Bip. |
Compositae |
Tanacetum senecionis |
(Jacquem. ex Besser) DC. |
Compositae |
Tanacetum stoliczkae |
(C.B. Clarke) R. Khan |
Compositae |
Tanacetum tibeticum |
Hook. f. & Thomson ex C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Taraxacum armeriifolium |
Soest |
Compositae |
Taraxacum candidatum |
Kirschner, tepánek & Klime |
Compositae |
Taraxacum dissectum |
(Ledeb.) Ledeb. |
Compositae |
Taraxacum luridum |
Haglund in Persson |
Compositae |
Taraxacum minutilobum |
M. Pop. ex Kovalevsk. |
Compositae |
Taraxacum virgineum |
Kirschner, tepánek & Klime |
Compositae |
Tragopogon gracilis |
D. Don |
Compositae |
Tragopogon orientalis |
L. |
Compositae |
Tricholepis tibetica |
Hook. f. & Thomson in C.B. Clarke |
Compositae |
Tussilago farfara |
L. |
Compositae |
Waldheimia huegellii |
(Sch.-Bip.) Tzvelev. |
Compositae |
Waldheimia nivea |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Regel |
Compositae |
Waldheimia stoliczkae |
(C.B. Clarke) Ostenf. in Hedin |
Compositae |
Waldheimia tomentosa |
(Decne.) Regel |
Compositae |
Waldheimia tridactylites |
Kar. & Kir. |
Compositae |
Waldheimia vestita |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Pamp. |
Compositae |
Xanthium spinosum |
L. |
Compositae |
Xanthium strumarium |
L. |
Compositae |
Youngia tenuifolia |
(Willd.) Babcock & Stebbins |
subsp. diversifolia |
Babcock & Stebbins |
Compositae |
Zinnia elegans |
Jacq. |
Convolvulaceae |
Convolvulus arvensis |
L. |
Convolvulaceae |
Cuscuta campestris |
Yunck. |
Convolvulaceae |
Cuscuta lehmanniana |
Bunge in A. Lehm. |
Convolvulaceae |
Cuscuta planiflora |
Ten. |
Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea purpurea |
(L.) Roth |
Crassulaceae |
Hylotelephium ewersii |
(Ledeb.) H. Ohba |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola coccinea |
(Royle) Boriss. |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola crenulata |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) H. Ohba |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola fastigiata |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) S. H. Fu |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola heterodonta |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) S. H. Fu |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola imbricata |
Edgew. |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola pamiroalaica |
Boriss. |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola tibetica |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) S. H. Fu |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola wallichiana |
(Hook. f.) S. H. Fu |
Crassulaceae |
Rosularia alpestris |
(Kar. & Kir.) Boriss. |
Crassulaceae |
Sedum oreades |
(Decne.) Raymond-Hamet |
Crassulaceae |
Sedum perpusillum |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Alyssum desertorum |
Stapf |
Cruciferae |
Alyssum klimesii |
Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Aphragmus ladakiana |
Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Aphragmus oxycarpus |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Jafri |
Cruciferae |
Arabidopsis thaliana |
(L.) Heynh. in Holl. & Heyn. |
Cruciferae |
Arabis paniculata |
Franch. |
Cruciferae |
Arabis saxicola |
Edgew. |
Cruciferae |
Arabis tibetica |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Barbarea vulgaris |
R. Br. in W. T. Aiton |
Cruciferae |
Brassica juncea |
(L.) Czern. |
Cruciferae |
Brassica oleracea |
L. |
var. gongylodes |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Brassica oleracea |
L. |
var. gemmifera |
Zenker |
Cruciferae |
Brassica oleracea |
L. |
var. botrytis |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Brassica oleracea |
L. |
var. sabauda |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Brassica oleracea |
L. |
var. capitata |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Brassica rapa |
L. |
subsp. campestris |
(L.) Clapham |
Cruciferae |
Braya brachycarpa |
(Vassilczenko) Al-Shehbaz & Warwick |
Cruciferae |
Braya humilis |
(C.A. Mey.) B.L. Rob. |
Cruciferae |
Braya rosea |
(Turcz.) Bunge |
Cruciferae |
Braya tibetica |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Capparis spinosa |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Capsella bursa-pastoris |
(L.) Medik. |
Cruciferae |
Cardamine macrophylla |
Willd. |
Cruciferae |
Chorispora macropoda |
Trautv. |
Cruciferae |
Chorispora sabulosa |
Camb. in Jacquem. |
Cruciferae |
Christolea crassifolia |
Camb. in Jacquem. |
Cruciferae |
Conringia planisiliqua |
Fisch.& C.A. Mey. |
Cruciferae |
Crucihimalaya himalaica |
(Edgew.) Al-Shehbaz, O'Kane & R.A. Price |
Cruciferae |
Crucihimalaya mollissima |
(C.A. Mey.) Al-Shehbaz, O'Kane & R.A. Price |
Cruciferae |
Descurainia sophia |
(L.) Webb. ex Prantl in Engl. & Prantl |
Cruciferae |
Desideria himalayensis |
(Camb.) Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Desideria linearis |
(N.Busch) Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Desideria pumila |
(Kurz) Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Desideria stewartii |
(T.Anderson) Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Dilophia salsa |
Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Dontostemon glandulosus |
(Kar. & Kir.) O.E. Schulz |
Cruciferae |
Draba alshehbazii |
Klimes & D. German |
Cruciferae |
Draba altaica |
(C.A. Mey.) Bunge |
Cruciferae |
Draba cachemirica |
Gandoger |
Cruciferae |
Draba ellipsoidea |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Draba glomerata |
Royle |
Cruciferae |
Draba himachalensis |
Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Draba lanceolata |
Royle |
Cruciferae |
Draba lasiophylla |
Royle |
Cruciferae |
Draba oreades |
Schrenk in Fisch. & C.A. Mey. |
Cruciferae |
Draba setosa |
Royle |
Cruciferae |
Draba stenobotrys |
Gilg & O.E.Schulz |
Cruciferae |
Draba stenocarpa |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Draba tibetica |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Draba winterbottomii |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Pohle |
Cruciferae |
Erysimum altaicum |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
Cruciferae |
Erysimum hieraciifolium |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Erysimum melicentae |
Dunn |
Cruciferae |
Euclidium syriacum |
(L.) R. Br. in W. T. Aiton |
Cruciferae |
Eutrema edwardsii |
R. Br. |
Cruciferae |
Goldbachia tetragona |
Ledeb. |
Cruciferae |
Hedinia tibetica |
(Thomson) Ostenf. in Sven Hedin |
Cruciferae |
Hymenolobus procumbens |
(L.) Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray |
Cruciferae |
Iberis amara |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Lepidium apetalum |
Willd. |
Cruciferae |
Lepidium capitatum |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Cruciferae |
Lepidium latifolium |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Lepidium obtusum |
Basiner |
Cruciferae |
Lobularia maritima |
(L.) Desv. |
Cruciferae |
Malcolmia africana |
(L.) R. Br. in W. T. Aiton |
Cruciferae |
Matthiola chorassanica |
Bunge ex Boiss. |
Cruciferae |
Noccaea cochleariformis |
( DC.) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
Cruciferae |
Noccaea cochlearioides |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Al-Shehbaz |
Cruciferae |
Parrya nudicaulis |
(L.) Boiss. |
Cruciferae |
Pegaeophyton scapiflorum |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Marq. & Shaw |
Cruciferae |
Phaeonychium parryoides |
(Kurz ex Hook. f. & T. Anderson) O.E. Schulz |
Cruciferae |
Ptilotrichum canescens |
(DC.) C.A. Mey. |
Cruciferae |
Raphanus sativus |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Rorippa palustris |
(L.) Besser |
Cruciferae |
Sisymbrium brassiciforme |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
Cruciferae |
Sisymbrium loeselii |
L. |
Cruciferae |
Tauscheria lasiocarpa |
Fischer ex DC. |
Cruciferae |
Tetracme pamirica |
(Stephan) Bunge |
Cruciferae |
Thlaspi arvense |
L. |
Cryptogrammaceae |
Cryptogramma brunoniana |
Wall. ex Hook. & Greville |
Cryptogrammaceae |
Cryptogramma stelleri |
(S.G. Gmel.) Prantl |
Cucurbitaceae |
Citrullus lanatus |
(Thunb.) Mansf. |
Cucurbitaceae |
Cucumis sativus |
L. |
Cucurbitaceae |
Cucurbita pepo |
L. |
Cucurbitaceae |
Cyclanthera pedata |
Schrad. |
Cupressaceae |
Juniperus semiglobosa |
Regel |
Cupressaceae |
Juniperus sibirica |
Burgsd. |
Cupressaceae |
Juniperus squamata |
Buch.-Ham. ex Lambert |
Cupressaceae |
Thuja occidentalis |
L. |
Cyperaceae |
Blysmus compressus |
(L.) Panz. ex Link |
Cyperaceae |
Blysmus rufus |
(Hudson) Link |
Cyperaceae |
Carex atrofusca |
Schkuhr |
Cyperaceae |
Carex borii |
Nelmes |
Cyperaceae |
Carex borii |
Nelmes |
f. lutea |
R.R. Stewart |
Cyperaceae |
Carex canescens |
L. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex cruenta |
Nees in Wight |
Cyperaceae |
Carex decaulescens |
V. Krecz. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex haematostoma |
Nees in Wight |
Cyperaceae |
Carex infuscata |
Nees in Wight |
Cyperaceae |
Carex karoi |
(Freyn) Freyn |
Cyperaceae |
Carex melanantha |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex microglochin |
Wahlenb. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex montis-everestii |
Kükenthal |
Cyperaceae |
Carex moorcroftii |
Falc. ex Boott |
Cyperaceae |
Carex nivalis |
Boott |
Cyperaceae |
Carex orbicularis |
Boott |
Cyperaceae |
Carex pamirensis |
C.B. Clarke |
Cyperaceae |
Carex parva |
Nees in Wight |
Cyperaceae |
Carex plectobasis |
V. Krecz. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex pseudobicolor |
Boeck. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex pseudofoetida |
Kük. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex sagaensis |
Yen C. Yang |
Cyperaceae |
Carex setosa |
Boott |
Cyperaceae |
Carex songorica |
Kar. & Kir. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex stenocarpa |
Turcz. ex V. Krecz. in Kom. |
Cyperaceae |
Carex stenophylla |
Wahlenb. |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus squarrosus |
L. |
Cyperaceae |
Eleocharis mitracarpa |
Steud. |
Cyperaceae |
Eleocharis oxylepis |
(Meinsh.) B. Fedt. |
Cyperaceae |
Eleocharis palustris |
(L.) R. Br. |
Cyperaceae |
Eleocharis palustris |
(Link) Schultes in Schultes & Schultes f. |
subsp. palustris |
Cyperaceae |
Eleocharis quinqueflora |
(F. X. Hartmann) O. Schwarz |
Cyperaceae |
Eleocharis uniglumis |
(Link) Schultes in Schultes & Schultes f. |
Cyperaceae |
Isolepis setacea |
(L.) R. Br. |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia capillifolia |
(Decne.) C.B. Clarke |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia humilis |
(C.A. Mey.) Serg. |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia laxa |
Nees in Wight |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia macrantha |
Boeck. |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia myusoroides |
Fiori & Paoletti |
subsp. bistaminata |
(W.Z.Di & M.J.Zhong) S.R.Zhang |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia nepalensis |
(Nees) Kükenthal |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia nitens |
Clarke |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia pygmaea |
(C.B. Clarke) C.B. Clarke in Hook. f. |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia robusta |
Maxim. |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia royleana |
(Nees) Boeck. |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia schoenoides |
(C.A. Mey.) Steud. |
Cyperaceae |
Kobresia stolonifera |
Y.C.Tang ex P.C.Li |
Cyperaceae |
Pycreus sanguinolentus |
(Vahl) Nees |
Cyperaceae |
Schoenoplectus lacustris |
(L.) Palla |
Cyperaceae |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani |
(C. C. Gmelin) Palla |
Cyperaceae |
Schoenoplectus triqueter |
(L.) Palla |
Cyperaceae |
Trichophorum pumilum |
(Vahl) Schinz & Thell. |
Cystopteridaceae |
Cystopteris dickieana |
R. Sim |
Cystopteridaceae |
Cystopteris fragilis |
(L.) Bernh. |
Cystopteridaceae |
Cystopteris montana |
(Lam.) Bernh. |
Cystopteridaceae |
Gymnocarpium fedtschenkoanum |
Pojark. |
Dipsacaceae |
Dipsacus fullonum |
L. |
Dipsacaceae |
Morina coulteriana |
Royle |
Dryopteridaceae |
Dryopteris blanfordii |
(C. Hope) C. Chr. |
Dryopteridaceae |
Dryopteris blanfordii |
(C. Hope) C. Chr. |
subsp. blanfordii |
Dryopteridaceae |
Dryopteris komarovii |
Koss. |
Dryopteridaceae |
Dryopteris ramosa |
(C. Hope) C. Chr. |
Dryopteridaceae |
Dryopteris stewartii |
Fras.-Jenk. |
Dryopteridaceae |
Polystichum lonchitis |
(L.) Roth |
Dryopteridaceae |
Polystichum prescottianum |
(Wall. ex Mett.) Moore |
Dryopteridaceae |
Woodsia glabella |
R. Br. |
Elaeagnaceae |
Elaeagnus igda |
(Servett.) Tzvelev |
Elaeagnaceae |
Hippophae rhamnoides |
L. |
subsp. turkestanica |
Rousi |
Elaeagnaceae |
Hippophae tibetana |
Schlecht. |
Ephedraceae |
Ephedra gerardiana |
Wall. ex Stapf |
Ephedraceae |
Ephedra intermedia |
Schrenk |
Ephedraceae |
Ephedra regeliana |
Florin |
Equisetaceae |
Equisetum arvense |
L. |
Equisetaceae |
Equisetum debile |
Roxb. ex Vauch. |
Equisetaceae |
Equisetum diffusum |
D. Don |
Equisetaceae |
Equisetum ramosissimum |
Desf. |
Ericaceae |
Cassiope fastigiata |
(Wall.) D. Don |
Ericaceae |
Pyrola rotundifolia |
L. |
subsp. karakoramica |
(Krísa) Y.J. Nasir |
Ericaceae |
Rhododendron anthopogon |
D. Don |
subsp. hypenanthum |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia hispida |
Boiss. |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia kanaorica |
Boiss. |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia thomsoniana |
Boiss. |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia tibetica |
Boiss. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis adiantifolia |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis clarkei |
Prain |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis crassifolia |
Royle |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis crassissima |
Camb. in Jacquem. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis flabellata |
Edgew. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis gortschakovii |
Schrenk |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis govaniana |
Wall. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis hendersonii |
Hemsl. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis inopinata |
Prain ex Fedde |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis meifolia |
Wall. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis moorcroftiana |
Wall. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis osmastonii |
Fedde |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis schelesnowiana |
Regel & Schmalh. ex Regel |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis stricta |
Steph. in DC. |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis thyrsiflora |
Prain |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis tibetica |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis tibeto-alpina |
C.Y.Wu & T.Y.Shu |
Fumariaceae |
Corydalis vaginans |
Royle |
Fumariaceae |
Hypecoum leptocarpum |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Gentianaceae |
Centaurium pulchellum |
(Sw.) Druce |
subsp. meyeri |
Gentianaceae |
Comastoma borealis |
(Bunge) T. N. Ho |
Gentianaceae |
Comastoma falcatum |
(Turcz.) Toyokuni |
Gentianaceae |
Comastoma pedunculatum |
(Royle ex G. Don) Holub |
Gentianaceae |
Comastoma pseudopulmonarium |
Omer |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana alii |
(Omer & Qaiser) T.N. Ho |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana burkillii |
Harry Sm. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana coronata |
Royle |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana eumarginata |
ined. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana hugelii |
Griseb. in DC. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana karelinii |
Grisebach in DC. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana leucomelaena |
Maxim. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana leucomelaena |
Maxim. |
var. minuta ined. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana nubigena |
Edgeworth |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana prostrata |
Haenke in Jacquem. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana riparia |
Kar. & Kir. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana squarrosa |
Ledeb. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana stellata |
Turrill. |
var. acuminata |
(C.B. Clarke) T.N. Ho |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana tianschanica |
Rupr. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianella arenaria |
(Maxim.) |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianella azurea |
(Bunge) Holub |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianella falconeri |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianella maddenii |
(C.B. Clarke) Airy Shaw |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianella moorcroftiana |
(Wall. ex G. Don) Airy Shaw in Hook. f. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianella pygmaea |
(Regel & Schmalh.) Harry Sm. |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianella stoliczkai |
(Kurz ex C.B. Clarke) Holub |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianopsis paludosa |
(Munro ex Hook. f.) Ma |
Gentianaceae |
Gentianopsis vvedenskyi |
(Grossh.) V.V. Pissjauk. |
Gentianaceae |
Halenia elliptica |
D. Don |
Gentianaceae |
Jaeschkea oligosperma |
(Griseb.) Knobl. |
Gentianaceae |
Lomatogonium brachyantherum |
(C.B. Clarke) Fernald |
Gentianaceae |
Lomatogonium caeruleum |
(Royle) Harry Sm. ex B. L. Burtt |
Gentianaceae |
Lomatogonium carinthiacum |
(Wulfen) A. Br. |
Gentianaceae |
Lomatogonium thomsonii |
(C.B. Clarke) Fernald |
Gentianaceae |
Swertia cordata |
(G. Don) C.B. Clarke |
Gentianaceae |
Swertia petiolata |
Royle ex D. Don |
Gentianaceae |
Swertia thomsonii |
C.B. Clarke in Hooker. f. |
Geraniaceae |
Erodium stephanianum |
Willd. |
Geraniaceae |
Erodium tibetanum |
Edgew. & Hook. f. |
Geraniaceae |
Geranium himalayense |
Klotzsch ex Hofmeist. & al. |
Geraniaceae |
Geranium pratense |
L. |
subsp. stewartianum |
Y.J. Nasir |
Geraniaceae |
Geranium regelii |
Nevski |
Geraniaceae |
Geranium sibiricum |
L. |
Gramineae |
Agropogon lutosus |
P. Fourn. |
Gramineae |
Agrostis diluta |
Kurchenko |
Gramineae |
Agrostis filipes |
Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Agrostis gigantea |
Roth |
Gramineae |
Agrostis munroana |
Aitch. & Hemsl. |
Gramineae |
Agrostis pilosula |
Trin. |
Gramineae |
Agrostis vinealis |
Schreb. |
Gramineae |
Alopecurus aequalis |
Sobol. |
Gramineae |
Alopecurus arundinaceus |
Poir. |
Gramineae |
Alopecurus himalaicus |
Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Aristida adscensionis |
L. |
Gramineae |
Avena sativa |
L. |
Gramineae |
Avenula hookeri |
(Scribn.) J.Holub |
Gramineae |
Bothriochloa ischaemum |
(L.) Keng |
Gramineae |
Bromus confinis |
Nees ex Steud. |
Gramineae |
Bromus danthoniae |
Trin. in C.A. Mey. |
Gramineae |
Bromus gracillimus |
Bunge |
Gramineae |
Bromus japonicus |
Thunb. ex Murray |
Gramineae |
Bromus oxyodon |
Schrenk |
Gramineae |
Bromus pectinatus |
Thunb. |
Gramineae |
Bromus sericeus |
Drobow |
Gramineae |
Bromus tectorum |
L. |
Gramineae |
Bromus tomentosus |
Trin. |
Gramineae |
Calamagrostis epigejos |
(L.) Roth |
Gramineae |
Calamagrostis holciformis |
Jaub. & Spach |
Gramineae |
Calamagrostis pseudophragmites |
(Haller f.) Koeler |
Gramineae |
Calamagrostis pulchella |
Griseb. |
Gramineae |
Calamagrostis scabrescens |
Griseb. |
Gramineae |
Calamagrostis stoliczkae |
Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Catabrosa aquatica |
(L.) P. Beauv. |
Gramineae |
Chloris virgata |
Sw. |
Gramineae |
Colpodium baltistanicum |
Dickoré |
Gramineae |
Colpodium himalaicum |
(Hook. f.) Bor |
Gramineae |
Colpodium nutans |
(Stapf) Bor in Rech. f. |
Gramineae |
Cymbopogon jwarancusa |
Schult. |
subsp. olivieri |
(Boiss.) S.Soenarko |
Gramineae |
Dactylis glomerata |
L. |
Gramineae |
Danthonia cachemyriana |
Jaub. & Spach |
Gramineae |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
(L.) P. Beauv. |
Gramineae |
Deschampsia koelerioides |
Regel |
Gramineae |
Digitaria ischaemum |
(Schreb.) Schreb. ex Muhl. |
Gramineae |
Digitaria sanguinalis |
(L.) Scop. |
Gramineae |
Digitaria stewartiana |
Bor |
Gramineae |
Echinochloa crus-galli |
(L.) P. Beauv. |
Gramineae |
Elymus canaliculatus |
(Nevski) Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Elymus cognatus |
(Hackel) T. A. Cope |
Gramineae |
Elymus dahuricus |
Turcz. ex Griseb. in Ledeb. |
Gramineae |
Elymus dentatus |
(Hook. f.) T.A.Cope |
Gramineae |
Elymus fedtschenkoi |
Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Elymus jacquemontii |
(Hook. f.) Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Elymus nutans |
Griseb. |
Gramineae |
Elymus repens |
(L.) Gould |
Gramineae |
Elymus schrenkianus |
(Fisch.& C.A. Mey.) Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Elymus schugnanicus |
(Nevski) Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Elymus stewartii |
(Melderis) T. A. Cope |
Gramineae |
Elymus thomsonii |
(Hook. f.) Melderis in Hara, Stearn & Williams |
Gramineae |
Enneapogon persicus |
Boiss. |
Gramineae |
Eragrostis minor |
Host |
Gramineae |
Eremopoa altaica |
(Trin.) Roshev. in Kom. |
subsp. songarica |
Gramineae |
Festuca alaica |
Drobow |
Gramineae |
Festuca alatavica |
(St.-Yves) Roshev. in Kom. |
Gramineae |
Festuca coelestis |
(St.-Yves) V. Krecz. & Bobrov in Kom. |
Gramineae |
Festuca hartmannii |
(Markgr.-Dannenb.) Alexeev |
Gramineae |
Festuca kashmiriana |
Stapf in Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Festuca nitidula |
Stapf in Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Festuca olgae |
(Regel) Krivot. |
Gramineae |
Festuca rubra |
L. |
subsp. arctica |
Gramineae |
Festuca rubra |
L. |
subsp. rubra |
Gramineae |
Festuca tibetica |
(Stapf) Alexeev |
Gramineae |
Festuca wallichiana |
E.B. Alexeev |
Gramineae |
Hierochloe laxa |
R. Br. ex Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Hordeum brevisubulatum |
(Trin.) Link |
Gramineae |
Hordeum murinum |
L. |
Gramineae |
Hordeum vulgare |
L. |
Gramineae |
Kengia mutica |
(Keng) Packer |
Gramineae |
Koeleria argentea |
Griseb. |
Gramineae |
Koeleria macrantha |
(Ledeb.) Schult. |
Gramineae |
Leymus secalinus |
(Georgi) Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Melica persica |
Kunth |
Gramineae |
Muhlenbergia huegelii |
Trin. |
Gramineae |
Pennisetum flaccidum |
Griseb. |
Gramineae |
Pennisetum orientale |
Rich. in Pers. |
Gramineae |
Phalaris canariensis |
L. |
Gramineae |
Phleum alpinum |
L. |
Gramineae |
Phragmites australis |
(Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. |
Gramineae |
Piptatherum gracile |
Mez |
Gramineae |
Piptatherum hilariae |
Pazij |
Gramineae |
Piptatherum laterale |
(Munro ex Regel) Roshev. |
Gramineae |
Poa alpina |
L. |
Gramineae |
Poa annua |
L. |
Gramineae |
Poa attenuata |
Trin. |
Gramineae |
Poa bactriana |
Roshev. |
Gramineae |
Poa bulbosa |
L. |
Gramineae |
Poa calliopsis |
Litv. ex Ovcz. |
Gramineae |
Poa falconeri |
Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Poa pagophila |
Bor |
Gramineae |
Poa pratensis |
L. |
subsp. pruinosa |
(Korotky) Dickoré |
Gramineae |
Poa pratensis |
L. |
subsp. staintonii |
(Melderis) Dickoré |
Gramineae |
Poa pratensis |
L. |
subsp. pratensis |
Gramineae |
Poa sikkimensis |
(Stapf) Bor |
Gramineae |
Poa sterilis |
M. Bieb. |
Gramineae |
Poa supina |
Schrad. |
Gramineae |
Poa suruana |
Hartm. |
Gramineae |
Poa tibetica |
Munro ex Stapf in Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Polypogon monspeliensis |
(L.) Desf. |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia distans |
(Jacquem.) Parl. |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia hackeliana |
(V.I. Kreczetowicz) V.I. Kreczetowicz ex Drobow |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia himalaica |
Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia kashmiriana |
Bor |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia ladakhensis |
(H. Hartmann) Dickoré |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia minuta |
Bor in Wendelbo |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia pauciramea |
(Hackel) V.I. Kreczetowicz ex Ovczinnikov & Czukavina |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia stapfiana |
R.R. Stewart |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia tenuiflora |
(Griseb.) Scribner & Merr. |
Gramineae |
Puccinellia thomsonii |
(Stapf) R.R. Stewart |
Gramineae |
Schismus arabicus |
Nees |
Gramineae |
Setaria italica |
(L.) P. Beauv. |
Gramineae |
Setaria viridis |
(L.) P. Beauv. |
Gramineae |
Stipa brandisii |
Mez |
Gramineae |
Stipa breviflora |
Griseb. |
Gramineae |
Stipa capillata |
L. |
Gramineae |
Stipa caucasica |
Schmalh. |
Gramineae |
Stipa caucasica |
Schmalh. |
subsp. caucasica |
Gramineae |
Stipa caucasica |
Schmalh. |
subsp. glareosa |
(Smirnov) Tzvelev |
Gramineae |
Stipa concinna |
Hook. f. |
Gramineae |
Stipa himalaica |
Roshev. |
Gramineae |
Stipa jacquemontii |
Jaub. & Spach |
Gramineae |
Stipa koelzii |
R.R. Stewart |
Gramineae |
Stipa mongholica |
Turcz. ex Trin. |
Gramineae |
Stipa orientalis |
Trin. in Ledeb. |
Gramineae |
Stipa pennata |
L. |
subsp. kirghisorum |
Gramineae |
Stipa purpurea |
Griseb. |
Gramineae |
Stipa regeliana |
Hackel |
Gramineae |
Stipa roborovskyi |
Roshev. |
Gramineae |
Stipa splendens |
Trin. in Spreng. |
Gramineae |
Stipa subsessiliflora |
(Rupr.) Roshev. in Fedtsch. |
Gramineae |
Stipa tianschanica |
Roshev. |
Gramineae |
Stipa turkestanica |
Hackel |
Gramineae |
Timouria saposhnikovii |
Roshev. |
Gramineae |
Trikeraia hookeri |
(Stapf) Bor |
Gramineae |
Trikeraia oreophila |
T. A. Cope |
Gramineae |
Trisetum clarkei |
(Hook. f.) R.R. Stewart |
Gramineae |
Trisetum spicatum |
(L.) K. Richt. |
Gramineae |
Triticum aestivum |
L. |
Gramineae |
Vulpia myuros |
(L.) C.C. Gmelin |
Gramineae |
Zea mays |
L. |
Grossulariaceae |
Ribes glaciale |
Wall. in Roxb. |
Grossulariaceae |
Ribes nigrum |
L. |
Grossulariaceae |
Ribes orientale |
Desf. |
Haloragaceae |
Myriophyllum spicatum |
L. |
Iridaceae |
Iris hookeriana |
Foster |
Iridaceae |
Iris lactea |
Pall. |
Juglandaceae |
Juglans regia |
L. |
Juncaceae |
Juncus articulatus |
L. |
Juncaceae |
Juncus benghalensis |
Kunth |
Juncaceae |
Juncus bufonius |
L. |
Juncaceae |
Juncus castaneus grp. |
Juncaceae |
Juncus himalensis |
Klotzsch in Klotzsch & Garcke |
Juncaceae |
Juncus leucomelas |
Royle ex D. Don |
Juncaceae |
Juncus membranaceus |
Royle ex D. Don |
Juncaceae |
Juncus sphacelatus |
Decne. in Jacquem. |
Juncaceae |
Juncus thomsonii |
Buchenau |
Juncaceae |
Juncus triglumis |
L. |
Juncaceae |
Juncus turkestanicus |
V. Krecz. & Gontsch. |
Juncaceae |
Luzula spicata |
(L.) DC. in Lam. & DC. |
Juncaginaceae |
Triglochin maritima |
L. |
Juncaginaceae |
Triglochin palustre |
L. |
Labiatae |
Dracocephalum heterophyllum |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Dracocephalum moldavica |
L. |
Labiatae |
Dracocephalum nutans |
L. |
Labiatae |
Dracocephalum stamineum |
Kar. & Kir. |
Labiatae |
Elsholtzia ciliata |
(Thunb.) Hyl. |
Labiatae |
Elsholtzia densa |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Elsholtzia eriostachya |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Lamium amplexicaule |
L. |
Labiatae |
Marmoritis nivalis |
(Jacq. ex Benth.) I.C.Hedge |
Labiatae |
Marmoritis rotundifolia |
Benth. in Hooker |
Labiatae |
Marrubium marrubiastrum |
(Stephan) I.C.Hedge |
Labiatae |
Mentha longifolia |
Benth. in Wall. |
Labiatae |
Mentha piperita |
L. |
Labiatae |
Mentha royleana |
Benth. in Wall. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta annua |
Pall. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta caerulescens |
Maxim. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta clarkei |
Hook. f. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta connata |
Royle ex Benth. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta discolor |
Royle ex Benth. in Hook. f. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta discolor tomentosa |
Labiatae |
Nepeta eriostachys |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta floccosa |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta glutinosa |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta grata |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta leucolaena |
Benth. ex Hook. f. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta longibracteata |
Benth. |
Labiatae |
Nepeta royleana |
R.R. Stewart |
Labiatae |
Ocimum basalicum |
L. |
Labiatae |
Perovskia abrotanoides |
Kar. |
Labiatae |
Prunella vulgaris |
L. |
Labiatae |
Scutellaria heydei |
Hook. f. |
Labiatae |
Stachys emodi |
Hedge |
Labiatae |
Stachys tibetica |
Vatke |
Labiatae |
Thymus linearis |
Benth. in Wall. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus B |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus candolleanus |
Royle ex Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus candollei |
Royle ex Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus coluteocarpus |
Boiss. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus confertus |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus densiflorus |
Kar. & Kir. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus falconeri |
Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus gilgitensis |
Ali |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus gracilipes |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus hendersonii |
Baker in Hook. f. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus heydei |
Baker in Hook. f. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus hoffmeisteri |
(Klotzsch) Ali |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus kashmirensis |
Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus macropterus |
DC. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus maddenianus |
Benth. ex Baker in Hook. f. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus melanostachys |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus munroi |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus nivalis |
Kar. & Kir. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus ophiocarpus |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus oplites |
Benth. ex R. Parker |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus peduncularis |
Royle |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus pseudochlorostachys |
Freyn |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus rhizanthus |
Royle ex Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus strictus |
Grah. ex Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus subuliformis |
DC. |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus tecti-mundi |
Freyn |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus thomsonii |
Podlech |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus tibetanus |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus tribulifolius |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Astragalus webbianus |
Grah. ex Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Caragana versicolor |
Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Chesneya cuneata |
(Benth.) Ali |
Leguminosae |
Chesneya popovii |
Kamelin & Yakovlev |
Leguminosae |
Cicer arietinum |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Cicer microphyllum |
Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Colutea nepalensis |
Sims |
Leguminosae |
Faba vulgaris |
Moench |
Leguminosae |
Lathyrus sativus |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Lens culinaris |
Medik. |
Leguminosae |
Lotus corniculatus |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Medicago falcata |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Medicago lupulina |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Medicago sativa |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Medicago x varia |
Martyn |
Leguminosae |
Melilotus officinalis |
(L.) Desr. in Lam. |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis cachemeriana |
Camb. |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis chiliophylla |
Royle ex Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis chiliophylla x microphylla |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis deflexa |
(Pall.) DC. |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis densa |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis glabra |
DC. |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis humifusa |
Kar. & Kir. |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis hypoglottoides |
(Baker) Ali |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis lapponica |
(Wahlenb.) Gay |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis lehmannii |
Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis microphylla |
(Pall.) DC. |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis platysema |
Schrenk |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis pusilla |
Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis tatarica |
Camb. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Oxytropis thomsonii |
Benth. ex Bunge |
Leguminosae |
Phaseolus coccineus |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Phaseolus vulgaris |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Pisum sativum |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Robinia pseudacacia |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Sophora moorcroftiana |
(Benth.) Benth. ex Baker |
Leguminosae |
Stracheya tibetica |
Benth. in Hooker |
Leguminosae |
Thermopsis inflata |
Camb. in Jacquem. |
Leguminosae |
Trifolium fragiferum |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Trifolium pratense |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Trifolium repens |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Trigonella cashemiriana |
Camb. in Jacq. |
Leguminosae |
Trigonella emodi |
Benth. in Royle |
Leguminosae |
Vicia sativa |
L. |
Leguminosae |
Vicia tenuifolia |
Roth |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia australis |
R. Br. |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia minor |
L. |
Liliaceae |
Fritillaria roylei |
Hooker |
Liliaceae |
Gagea jaeschkei |
Pamp. |
Liliaceae |
Gagea ladakhensis |
Levichev & Klime, ined. |
Liliaceae |
Gagea leosii |
Ali & Levichev |
Liliaceae |
Gagea matayanensis |
Levichev & Klime, ined. |
Liliaceae |
Gagea spumosa |
Levichev |
Liliaceae |
Gagea vvedenskyi |
Grossh. |
Liliaceae |
Lloydia serotina |
(L.) Rchb. |
Liliaceae |
Polygonatum verticillatum |
(L.) All. |
Liliaceae |
Tulipa clusiana |
DC. |
Linaceae |
Linum perenne |
L. |
Linaceae |
Linum usitatissimum |
L. |
Malvaceae |
Alcea rosea |
L. |
Malvaceae |
Lavatera trimestris |
L. |
Malvaceae |
Malva neglecta |
Wallr. |
Malvaceae |
Malva pamiroalaica |
Iljin |
Malvaceae |
Malva parviflora |
L. |
Malvaceae |
Malva pusilla |
Sm. |
Malvaceae |
Malva sinensis |
Cav. |
Moraceae |
Morus alba |
L. |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium aitchisonii |
P.H. Raven |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium amurense |
Haussk. |
subsp. amurense |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium angustifolium |
L. |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium chitralense |
P.H. Raven |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium cylindricum |
D. Don |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium glaciale |
P.H. Raven |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium latifolium |
L. |
subsp. latifolium |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium leiophyllum |
Hausskn. |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium minutiflorum |
Hausskn. |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium palustre |
L. |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium royleanum |
Hausskn. |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium semiamplexicaule |
Chowdhery & Singh |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium tetragonum |
L. |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium tibetanum |
Hausskn. |
Onagraceae |
Eritrichium minimum |
(Brand) Hara |
Ophioglossaceae |
Botrychium lunaria |
(L.) Sw. |
Orchidaceae |
Dactylorhiza hatagirea |
(D. Don) Soó |
Orchidaceae |
Dactylorhiza kafiriana |
Renz in Rech. f. |
Orchidaceae |
Epipactis helleborine |
(L.) Crantz |
Orchidaceae |
Epipactis persica |
(Soó) Nannfeld |
Orchidaceae |
Herminium monorchis |
(L.) R. Br. in W. T. Aiton |
Orobanchaceae |
Euphrasia pectinata |
Ten. |
Orobanchaceae |
Leptorhabdos parviflora |
Benth. |
Orobanchaceae |
Odontites himalayica |
Pennell |
Orobanchaceae |
Orobanche caesia |
Reichb. |
Orobanchaceae |
Orobanche cernua |
Loefl. |
Orobanchaceae |
Orobanche hansii |
A. Kern. |
Orobanchaceae |
Orobanche orientalis |
Beck |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis bicornuta |
Klotzsch |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis brevifolia |
D. Don |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis cheilanthifolia |
Schrenk |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis cheilanthifolia |
Schrenk |
subsp. svenhedinii |
(Paulsen) P.C. Tsoong |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis cheilanthifolia |
Schrenk |
subsp. cheilanthifolia |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis heydei |
Prain |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis longiflora |
Rudolph |
subsp. tubiformis |
(Klotzsch) Pennell |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis mollis |
Wall. ex Benth. |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis oederi |
Vahl in Hornem. |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis pectinata |
Wall. ex Benth. |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis punctata |
Decne. in Jacquem. |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis pycnantha |
Boiss. |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis pyramidata |
Royle |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis rhinanthoides |
Schrenk ex Fisch.& C.A. Mey. |
Papaveraceae |
Meconopsis aculeata |
Royle |
Papaveraceae |
Papaver bracteatum |
Lindl. |
Papaveraceae |
Papaver dubium |
L. |
Papaveraceae |
Papaver nudicaule |
L. |
Papaveraceae |
Papaver rhoeas |
L. |
Papaveraceae |
Papaver somniferum |
L. |
Parnassiaceae |
Parnassia laxmannii |
Pall. ex Schult |
Parnassiaceae |
Parnassia pusilla |
Wall. |
Phrymaceae |
Lancea tibetica |
Hook. f. & Thomson in Hook. f. |
Plantaginaceae |
Antirrhinum majus |
L. |
Plantaginaceae |
Callitriche palustris |
L. |
Plantaginaceae |
Hippuris vulgaris |
L. |
Plantaginaceae |
Lagotis globosa |
(Kurz) Hook. f. |
Plantaginaceae |
Limosella aquatica |
L. |
Plantaginaceae |
Picrorhiza kurrooa |
Royle ex Benth. |
Plantaginaceae |
Plantago depressa |
Willd. |
Plantaginaceae |
Plantago gentianoides |
Sibth. & Smith. |
subsp. griffithii |
(Dcne.) Rech. f. |
Plantaginaceae |
Plantago himalaica |
Pilger |
Plantaginaceae |
Plantago lanceolata |
L. |
Plantaginaceae |
Plantago major |
L. |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica alpina |
L. |
subsp. pumila |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica beccabunga |
L. |
subsp. muscosa |
(Korsh.) Elenevsky |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica biloba |
L. |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica ciliata |
Fischer |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica lanosa |
Royle ex Benth. |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica lasiocarpa |
Pennell |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica macrostemon |
Bunge ex Ledeb. |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica polita |
Fr. |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica pusilla |
Kotschy & Boissier |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica salina |
Schur |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica secunda |
Pennell |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica serpyllifolia |
L. |
Plumbaginaceae |
Acantholimon lycopodioides |
(Girard) Boiss. in DC. |
Plumbaginaceae |
Dictyolimon macrorhabdos |
(Boiss.) Rech. f. |
Plumbaginaceae |
Plumbagella micrantha |
Spach |
Polemoniaceae |
Polemonium coeruleum |
L. |
Polygonaceae |
Aconogonon rumicifolium |
(Royle ex Bab.) Hara |
Polygonaceae |
Aconogonon tortuosum |
(D. Don) Hara |
Polygonaceae |
Bistorta affinis |
(D. Don) Greene |
Polygonaceae |
Bistorta vivipara |
Gray |
Polygonaceae |
Fagopyrum esculentum |
Moench |
Polygonaceae |
Fagopyrum kashmirianum |
A.H. Munshi |
Polygonaceae |
Fagopyrum tataricum |
(L.) Gaertn. |
Polygonaceae |
Fallopia convolvulus |
(L.) Á. Löve |
Polygonaceae |
Knorringia pamirica |
(Korsh.) Tzvelev |
Polygonaceae |
Koenigia delicatula |
(Meisn.) Hara |
Polygonaceae |
Koenigia islandica |
L. |
Polygonaceae |
Koenigia nepalensis |
D. Don |
Polygonaceae |
Oxyria digyna |
(L.) Hill |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria amphibia |
(L.) Gray |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria glacialis |
(Meissn.) Hara |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria hydropiper |
(L.) Delarbre |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria lapathifolia |
(L.) Delarbre |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria nepalensis |
(Meissn.) Miyabe |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria orientalis |
(L.) Spach |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum arenastrum |
Boreau |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum aviculare |
L. |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum biaristatum |
Aitch. & Hemsley |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum cognatum |
Meissn. |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum molliaeforme |
Boiss. |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum paronychioides |
C.A. Mey. ex Hohen. |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum polycnemoides |
Jaub. & Spach |
Polygonaceae |
Polygonum rottboellioides |
Jaub. & Spach |
Polygonaceae |
Rheum spiciforme |
Royle |
Polygonaceae |
Rheum tibeticum |
Maxim. ex Hook. f. |
Polygonaceae |
Rheum webbianum |
Royle |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex acetosa |
L. |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex angulatus |
Rech. f. |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex angulatus x tibeticus |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex conglomeratus |
Murr. |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex dentatus |
L. |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex nepalensis |
Spreng. |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex nepalensis x patientia ssp. tibeticus |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex nepalensis x tibeticus |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex patientia |
L. |
subsp. tibeticus |
(Rech. f.) Rech. f. |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton amblyphyllus |
C.A. Mey. |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton crispus |
L. |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton filiformis |
Pers. |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton nodosus |
Poir. |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton pamiricus |
Baagoe |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton perfoliatus |
L. |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton pusillus |
L. |
Potamogetonaceae |
Zannichellia palustris |
L. |
Primulaceae |
Androsace aizoon |
Duby |
Primulaceae |
Androsace baltistanica |
Y. Nasir |
Primulaceae |
Androsace mucronifolia |
Watt. |
Primulaceae |
Androsace muscoidea |
Duby in DC. |
Primulaceae |
Androsace robusta |
(Knuth) Hand.-Mazz. |
Primulaceae |
Androsace sempervivoides |
Jacquem. ex Duby |
Primulaceae |
Androsace septentrionalis |
L. |
Primulaceae |
Androsace thomsonii |
(Watt) Y. Nasir |
Primulaceae |
Corthusa brotheri |
Lipsky |
Primulaceae |
Glaux maritima |
L. |
Primulaceae |
Primula denticulata |
Smith |
Primulaceae |
Primula elliptica |
Royle |
Primulaceae |
Primula macrophylla |
D. Don |
Primulaceae |
Primula minutissima |
Jacquem. ex Duby |
Primulaceae |
Primula nutans |
Georgi |
Primulaceae |
Primula obtusifolia |
Royle |
Primulaceae |
Primula pamirica |
Fedorov |
Primulaceae |
Primula reptans |
Hook. f. ex Watt |
Primulaceae |
Primula rosea |
Royle |
Primulaceae |
Primula schlagintweitiana |
Pax in Engler & Prantl |
Primulaceae |
Primula sibirica |
Jacq. |
Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum heterophyllum |
Wall. ex Royle |
Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum rotundifolium |
Kar. & Kir. |
Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum violaceum |
Jacquem. ex Stapf |
Ranunculaceae |
Adonis chrysocyathus |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Ranunculaceae |
Anemone obtusiloba |
D. Don |
Ranunculaceae |
Anemone polyanthes |
D. Don |
Ranunculaceae |
Anemone rivularis |
Buch.-Ham. in DC. |
Ranunculaceae |
Anemone rupicola |
Camb. |
Ranunculaceae |
Anemone tetrasepala |
Royle |
Ranunculaceae |
Aquilegia fragrans |
Benth. |
Ranunculaceae |
Aquilegia moorcroftiana |
Wall. ex Royle |
Ranunculaceae |
Batrachium flavidum |
Hand.-Mazz. |
Ranunculaceae |
Batrachium sphaerospermum |
Boiss. & Blanche) M. Iranshahr |
Ranunculaceae |
Batrachium trichophyllum |
(Chaix) Bossche |
Ranunculaceae |
Caltha alba |
Camb. in Jacquem. |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis ladakhiana |
Grey-Wilson |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis orientalis |
L. |
var. tenuifolia |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis orientalis |
L. |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis tangutica |
Korsh. |
Ranunculaceae |
Consolida ajacis |
(L.) Schur |
Ranunculaceae |
Delphinium brunonianum |
Royle |
Ranunculaceae |
Delphinium cashmerianum |
Royle |
Ranunculaceae |
Halerpestes lancifolia |
(Bertoloni) Hand.-Mazz. |
Ranunculaceae |
Halerpestes sarmentosa |
(Adams) Kom. & Aliss. |
var. multisecta |
(S.H. Li & Y.H. Huang) W.T. Wang |
Ranunculaceae |
Halerpestes sarmentosa |
(Adams) Kom. & Aliss. |
Ranunculaceae |
Halerpestes tricuspis |
(Maximowicz) Hand.-Mazz. |
Ranunculaceae |
Isopyrum anemonoides |
Kar. & Kir. |
Ranunculaceae |
Oxygraphis endlicheri |
(Walp.) S.S.R. Bennet & S. Chandra |
Ranunculaceae |
Paraquilegia anemonoides |
(Willd.) Ulbr. |
Ranunculaceae |
Pulsatilla wallichiana |
(Royle) Ulbr. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus arvensis |
L. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus bikramii |
B.S. Aswal & B.N. Mehrotra |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus brotherusii |
Freyn |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus chaerophyllos |
L. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus glacialiformis |
Hand.-Mazz. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus hirtellus |
Royle |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus karamikola |
Tamura |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus laetus |
Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus lobatus |
Jacquem. ex Camb. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus longicaulis |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus munroanus |
J. R. Drum. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus natans |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus nephelogenes |
Edgew. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus nyalamensis |
W.T. Wang |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus palmatifidus |
Riedl |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus pamiri |
Korsh. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus popovii |
Ovczinn. |
var. x |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus popovii |
Ovczinn. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus popovii |
Ovczinn. |
var. y |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus popovii |
Ovczinn. |
var. stracheyanus |
(Maxim.) W.T.Wang |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus pseudohirculus |
Schrenk in Fisch. & C.A. Mey. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus pulchellus |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus pulchellus |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
f. hirsutus |
Litw. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus pulchellus |
C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. |
var. x |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus rubrocalyx |
Regel ex Kom. |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus songoricus |
Schrenk |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus tanguticus |
(Maximowicz) Ovczinnikov |
Ranunculaceae |
Thalictrum alpinum |
L. |
Ranunculaceae |
Thalictrum foetidum |
L. |
Ranunculaceae |
Thalictrum minus |
L. |
subsp. majus |
Ranunculaceae |
Thalictrum platycarpum |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Ranunculaceae |
Thalictrum rutaefolium |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Ranunculaceae |
Trollius acaulis |
Lindl. |
Rhamnaceae |
Rhamnus prostrata |
Jacquem. ex R. Parker |
Rhamnaceae |
Sageretia thea |
(Osbeck) M. C. Johnston |
Rosaceae |
Alchemilla ypsilotoma |
Rothm. |
Rosaceae |
Chamaerhodos sabulosa |
Bunge in Ledeb. |
Rosaceae |
Comarum salesovianum |
(Steph.) Ascherson & Graebner |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster affinis |
Lindley |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster integerrimus |
Medik. |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster nummularius |
Fisch.& C.A. Mey. |
Rosaceae |
Dasiphora arbuscula |
D. Don |
Rosaceae |
Dasiphora dryadanthoides |
Juzepczuk |
Rosaceae |
Fragaria bucharica |
Lindley |
Rosaceae |
Fragaria x magna |
Thuill. |
Rosaceae |
Malus domestica |
Borkh. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla agrimonioides |
M. Bieb. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla anserina |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla argyrophylla |
Wall. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla atrosanguinea |
Lodd. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla biflora |
Willd. ex Schlecht. |
var. biflora |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla bifurca |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla bifurca |
L. |
subsp. orientalis |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla cuneifolia |
Bertol. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla curviseta |
Hook. f. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla desertorum |
Bunge in Ledeb. |
subsp. arnavatensis |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla desertorum |
Bunge in Ledeb. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla doubjouneana |
Camb. in Jacquem. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla eriocarpa |
Wall. ex Lehm. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla evestita |
T. Wolf |
var. orthotricha |
J. Soják |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla exigua |
Soják |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla gelida |
C.A. Mey. |
subsp. borissii |
(Ovcz. & Koczk.) Sojak |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla gelida x sino-nivea |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla grandiloba |
M.Shah & C.C.Wilcock |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla grisea |
Juz. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla hololeuca |
Boiss. ex Lehm. |
var. subtrijuga |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla hololeuca |
Boiss. ex Lehm. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla karakoramica |
Soják |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla monanthes |
Lindley ex Lehm. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla multifida |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla nivea |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla ornithopoda |
Tausch |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla pamirica |
Wolf |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla pamiroalaica |
Juzepczuk |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla plurijuga |
Hand.-Mazz. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla saundersiana |
Royle |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla sino-nivea |
Hulten |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla sojakii |
Dikshit & Panigrahi |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla supina |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla supina |
L. |
subsp. paradoxa |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla supina |
L. |
subsp. costata |
Soják |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla thomsonii |
Hand.-Mazz. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla turczaninoviana |
Stschegl. |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla venusta |
Soják |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla virgata |
Lehm. |
Rosaceae |
Prunus armeniaca |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Prunus cerasus |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Prunus persica |
(L.) Batsch |
Rosaceae |
Rosa multiflora |
Thunb. in Murr. |
Rosaceae |
Rosa oxyodon cf. |
Boiss. |
Rosaceae |
Rosa tuschetica |
Boiss. |
Rosaceae |
Rosa webbiana |
Wall. ex Royle |
Rosaceae |
Rubus saxatilis |
L. |
Rosaceae |
Sibbaldia cuneata |
Hornem. ex Kuntze |
Rosaceae |
Sibbaldia tetrandra |
Bunge |
Rosaceae |
Sibbaldianthe adpressa |
(Bunge) Juzepczuk |
Rosaceae |
Sorbaria tomentosa |
(Lindley) Rehder |
Rubiaceae |
Galium boreale |
L. |
Rubiaceae |
Galium pauciflorum |
Bunge |
Rubiaceae |
Galium serpylloides |
Royle ex Hook. f. |
Rubiaceae |
Galium tricornutum |
Dandy |
Rubiaceae |
Galium verum |
L. |
Rubiaceae |
Rubia cordifolia |
L. |
Rubiaceae |
Rubia tibetica |
Hook. f. |
Rubiaceae |
Rubia tinctorium |
L. |
Salicaceae |
Populus alba |
L. |
Salicaceae |
Populus ciliata |
Wall. ex Royle |
Salicaceae |
Populus euphratica |
Olivier |
Salicaceae |
Populus nigra |
L. |
Salicaceae |
Populus pamirica |
Kom. |
Salicaceae |
Salix babylonica |
L. |
Salicaceae |
Salix blakii |
Görz |
Salicaceae |
Salix caesia |
Vill. |
Salicaceae |
Salix flabellaris |
Andersson |
Salicaceae |
Salix karelinii |
Turcz. |
Salicaceae |
Salix pycnostachya |
Andersson |
Salicaceae |
Salix schugnanica |
Görz |
Salicaceae |
Salix sericocarpa |
Andersson |
Salicaceae |
Salix turanica |
Nasarov |
Salicaceae |
Salix viminalis |
L. |
Salicaceae |
Salix wilhelmsiana |
M. Bieb. |
Santalaceae |
Thesium himalense |
Royle ex Edgew. |
Santalaceae |
Thesium hookeri |
Hendrych |
Sapindaceae |
Aesculus indica |
(Wall. ex Camb.) Hook. f. |
Saxifragaceae |
Bergenia ciliata |
(Haw.) Sternb. |
Saxifragaceae |
Bergenia stracheyi |
(Hook. f. & Thomson) Engler |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga androsacea |
L. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga asarifolia |
Sternb. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga cernua |
L. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga ciliatopetala |
(Engl. & Irmsch.) J.T.Pan |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga elliptica |
Engl. & Irmscher |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga flagellaris |
Willd. ex Sternb. |
subsp. crassiflagellata |
Hult. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga flagellaris |
Willd. ex Sternb. |
subsp. stenophylla |
(Royle) Hulten |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga flagellaris |
Willd. ex Sternb. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga hirculus |
Engler |
var. alpina |
Engler |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga jacquemontiana |
Decne. in Jacquem. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga lychnitis |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga meeboldii |
Engler & Irm. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga microviridis |
Hara in Ohashi |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga nanella |
Engl. & Irmscher |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga oppositifolia |
L. |
subsp. asiatica |
(v. Hayek) Engl. & Irm. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga pulvinaria |
Harry Sm. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga sibirica |
L. |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga sinomontana |
J.T. Pan & R.J. Gornall |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga stella-aurea |
Hook. f. & Thomson |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga tangutica |
Engler |
Scrophulariaceae |
Scrophularia decomposita |
Royle ex Benth. |
Scrophulariaceae |
Scrophularia dentata |
Royle ex Benth. |
Scrophulariaceae |
Scrophularia koelzii |
Pennell |
Scrophulariaceae |
Scrophularia nudata |
Pennell |
Scrophulariaceae |
Verbascum thapsus |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Capsicum annuum |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Datura stramonium |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Hyoscyamus niger |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Hyoscyamus pusillus |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Lycium ruthenicum |
Murray |
Solanaceae |
Nicotiana rustica |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Petunia x atkinsoniana |
D. Don |
Solanaceae |
Physochlaina praealta |
(D. Don) Hook. f. |
Solanaceae |
Solanum lycopersicum |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Solanum melongena |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Solanum nigrum |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Solanum tuberosum |
L. |
Solanaceae |
Solanum villosum |
Mill. |
Tamaricaceae |
Myricaria elegans |
Royle |
Tamaricaceae |
Myricaria germanica |
Desv. |
subsp. alopecuroides |
(Schrenk) Kitam. |
Tamaricaceae |
Tamarix ramosissima |
Ledeb. |
Tropaeolaceae |
Tropaeolum majus |
L. |
Ulmaceae |
Ulmus pumila |
L. |
Umbelliferae |
Anethum graveolens |
L. |
Umbelliferae |
Angelica archangelica |
L. |
Umbelliferae |
Aulacospermum stylosum |
(C.B. Clarke) Rech. f. & Riedl |
Umbelliferae |
Bupleurum falcatum |
L. |
var. hoffmeisteri |
(Kl.) C.B. Clarke in Hook. |
Umbelliferae |
Bupleurum gracillimum |
Klotzsch |
Umbelliferae |
Bupleurum jucundum |
Kurz in Seem. |
var. cachemiricum |
Umbelliferae |
Bupleurum longicaule |
Wall. ex DC. |
Umbelliferae |
Bupleurum rupestre |
Edgew. |
Umbelliferae |
Bupleurum thomsonii |
C.B. Clarke |
Umbelliferae |
Carum carvi |
L. |
Umbelliferae |
Chaerophyllum acuminatum |
Lindley in Royle |
Umbelliferae |
Chaerophyllum villosum |
Wall. ex DC. |
Umbelliferae |
Conioselinum papyraceum |
(C.B.Clarke) M.G.Pimenov & E.V.Kljuykov |
Umbelliferae |
Coriandrum sativum |
L. |
Umbelliferae |
Daucus carota |
L. |
Umbelliferae |
Ferula jaeschkeana |
Vatke |
Umbelliferae |
Heracleum candicans |
Wall. ex DC. |
Umbelliferae |
Heracleum pinnatum |
C.B. Clarke in Hook. f. |
Umbelliferae |
Petroselinum crispum |
(Mill.) Nyman |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum brunonis |
(DC.) C.B. Clarke |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum candollei |
(DC.) C.B. Clarke |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum hookeri |
C.B.Clarke in Hook. f. |
var. thomsonii |
C.B.Clarke |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum lindleyanum |
(Klotzsch. & Garcke) B. Fedtsch. |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum stellatum |
Benth. |
Umbelliferae |
Prangos pabularia |
Lindley |
Umbelliferae |
Schulzia dissecta |
(C.B. Clarke) C. Norman |
Umbelliferae |
Semenovia thomsonii |
(C.B. Clarke) Manden. |
Umbelliferae |
Seseli mucronatum |
(Schrenk) Pimenov & Sdobnina |
Umbelliferae |
Sium medium |
Fisch. & C.A. Mey. |
Umbelliferae |
Vicatia coniifolia |
DC. |
Urticaceae |
Parietaria judaica |
L. |
Urticaceae |
Parietaria lusitanica |
L. |
Urticaceae |
Urtica dioica |
L. |
Urticaceae |
Urtica hyperborea |
Jacq. ex Wedd. |
Valerianaceae |
Valeriana clarkei |
Briq. |
Valerianaceae |
Valeriana himalayana |
Grubov |
Valerianaceae |
Valeriana jatamansi |
Jones |
Violaceae |
Viola biflora |
L. |
Violaceae |
Viola kashmiriana |
W. Becker |
Violaceae |
Viola kunawurensis |
Royle |
Violaceae |
Viola rupestris |
F.W.Schm. |
Vitaceae |
Vitis vinifera |
L. |
Zygophyllaceae |
Peganum harmala |
L. |
Zygophyllaceae |
Tribulus terrestris |
L. |